Monday, 28 April 2014

My Intro

I was lying down on my bed watching a spider deftly work its web at the top corner of my room. I used to brush these insects off my walls untill I heard a woman question how her friend of could sit with spiders in the house.

‘Gosh, imagine she can’t even pull out the webs in her dirty! I even met a gecko...oh my Goodness, gosh!’ she told the radio host in a voice that barely hid her disdain for the said ‘friend’.

I might clear the spiders, but geckos no way. I love wild animals that decide to be domesticated(I am not quite sure whether a gecko is a wild or a domestic animal, the albino one). I looked at the gecko that was maybe also watching the spider and smiled. What is wrong with a gecko being in the house anyway? They help catch the flies, and the roaches I guess. Especially when you have a neighbour like Mama Shiro who keeps on throwing some live cockroaches outside after spraying intoxicating liquids in her house...they have to look for refuge and my door does not exactly touch the floor. There is a day she woke me up